Sunday, July 19, 2020

"...down will come Baby..."

I'm on the verge of DEMANDING there be REVOLUTIONARY Changes in the Electoral 'System' >>> that, Citizens should be MANDATED to have AT LEAST a High School Diploma, in order to Vote.  2 words :  PREPOSTEROUS !!!!!!!!   I also BELIEVE that there should be a    >>>National Conscription<<<  that Guarantees FOUR YEARS of National and International SERVICE by those of the Ages between 18 and 22 inclusive.  EVERYBODY "Serves the Nation" as "We The People".

Includes in this "Service" is Socialized UNIVERSAL Education, where Socialized is code for 'The Entire Citizenry and Business CONTRIBUTE'. 

National Conscription GUARANTEES "Shoulder-to-shoulder" Contact and GUARANTEES a "Socialism" whereby ALL are Unified in a National Goal of "Working TOGETHER To Promote Peace and Prosperity". 

When All are "Tuned" Harmony results.

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