It is IMPERATIVE for me to Anchor my 'Contention' to Athens in the b--r---o--a--d--e--s--t Sense possible since The Iliad and The Odyssey figure PROMINENTLY as Features both of Human Nature and Political Volition. The History of Ancient Greek Philosophers and the History of The French Revolution, The Italian Suppositions characterized by Machiavelli, and because "I am what I am" the Ancient Chinese Philosophical Decorum exemplified by Lao Tzu, Chuang Tsu and Confucius MUST BE the Opposing Anchor which can then 'accommodate' 'Movement' as described in the I Ching.
I MUST "dumb down" Einstein in order to reduce It to Its Arithmetical Essence, specifically ">" and "<" where the Majority is granted SUPREME 'Guarantee'.
Here, the so-called "Founding Fathers" MUST be recognized for what they REALLY 'were' beer swilling, table-top Idealists, whose Educations allowed them to manufacture American Democracy as "Pie In The Sky" and Opium Pipe DREAMS.
Here it is that ANY Group of Pot Smoking HIPPIES could ALSO enter the Realm of Visionary Shamanism where the Problems of the World are Solved by a Puff from the Magic Dragon.
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