Thursday, July 2, 2020

De MOCK ra See

It's tough for me NOT to 'see' that Athenian Democracy was a REVOLUTION to OVERthrow the prevailing Olympic Patriarchy.  You GOTTA figure that Athenians were EXHAUSTED from the Whims and Fancies of Olympian Intrusion into the Daily Lives of All -----  that Law and ORDER was a PRIMARY Consideration ONLY in a purely PASSIVE 'Observance' meaning, given the Social Homogeneity of the 'Greeks' EVERYBODY 'was "On The Same Page", both Physically and Politically.  In the end THERE WAS NO APPEASING THE GODS.  To be subservient to Callous and sometime Cruel INJUSTICE became TOO MUCH TO BEAR.  Here it was that SELF RELIANCE became Recognized as SUPERIOR in every Way, Shape, and Form. 

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