Saturday, May 30, 2020

APOCALYPSE but not right now

The bloodcurdling cries of "MURDER" "MURDER IN THE STREETS" are reverberating through a Nation almost DEAD from Death in every corner, in every hallway, in every aisle, on every bed.  Death floods cemeteries.  Yet, this Death, this ONE Death is the JUSTIFICATION for the Scream of   "APOCALYPSE NOW !!"
We've heard it all before.  Francis Ford Coppola yelled it best when he conjured Evil as the Viet Nam War.  How would we EVA survive ANOTHER Viet Nam ?    2 words  >>  Easy.

How would we EVA survive ANOTHER Newtown ?   2 words >>  easy.

Apocalypse is End of the World Judgement and EXTERMINATION of  'All Things Wicked and Evil'  ... .    Tw o more words >>  Good Luck with THAT !!

Are we gonna survive  The Floyd ?????    Yup.

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