Monday, May 4, 2020

"Mission Impossible"

Something happened to me and my Mind once the 10 Ton Rock Slab got jacked to Vertical and 'slipped' into Position.  The Energy it released, was and continues to be, startling.  Symbolically, it was meant to represent Bodhidharma's "Wall" and even more personally significant, my "Mirror".  Bodhidharma's Legend IZ  "Nine Years Before The Wall".  I will leave It to you Kidz to research that Legend.  On MY end, my Order, the Korean Chogye, BEGAN with Bodhidharma, so there's THAT .

Every day for over a week I admired my Work.  Every Day it wuz, 'Holy FUCK'.  Every day the staggering E---N---O---R---M---I---T---Y of that Challenge was dwarfed by Its sheer and utter IMPOSSIBILITY >>>  Yet there it is >>>>>   my very own "Mission Impossible".

As recently as Recently a 'thing' 'surfaced' that snagged my Attention and made me Aware.  I've described how I am prone to Reverie.  Beauty can stop you in your tracks and knock 'Thinking' off your Block-Head.  Here, SENSATION inundates your Essence, you stand transfixed, impaled by POWER. 

As I stared in abject Bewilderment this arose >>>   "Masterpiece".

The Stone was a Masterpiece.

I did what any Zen Sword Artist would do --------  I smiled and shrugged.

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