Sunday, May 24, 2020

Slaying the Monitor

I will confess >  I allow myself Infuriation when I read, see and hear Folks complain that they are 'Bored'.  How can this be ????   There is SO much 'to do'.  Cleaning, Clearing, Organizing, PLANNING, not to mention Exercising, Cooking, READING, Researching, Listening to Music, Viewing Films and GREATEST OF ALL, Monitoring the Plague and the National Politics upon which we MUST Depend. 

On days I can't (WON'T) rite, it is bc my Pain spews forth a Vomit of Heart, a Violent, Militant, Intolerance that even I consider Madness.  It aint as if I have NO 'Other Choices', I most certainly DO, but given the Prevailing Conditions I find it necessary to "If you have nothing GOOD to say, then keep your fucking mouth SHUT."  It's Guilt MAGNIFIED by even more Guilt.  I made Promises, I made Vows ............ .