Saturday, May 30, 2020

Watts the Matter

Yesterday I was 'beside myself' in Sorrow and Grief--so much so that I couldn't rite.  Sorrow can be MONSTOROUSLY Debilitating.  Sorrow obstructs Reason, disarms Retribution, and cripples Vengeance.  You can see the Problem.

Media Nit Wits are making every effort to Romanticize the Riots in Minnesota and St. Paul by claiming its UNDERSTANDABLE for the Locals to Express their Fury by Conflagration, Pillage, and Plundering THEIR OWN NEIGHBORHOOD as if this Collective Delusion is  the ONLY 'Means' with which to 'Deal' with Floyd's Execution-- the one of Broken Neck and Collapsed Windpipe.  What this "This" does is only to regard these AMERICAN CITIZENS as woefully uneducated CHILDREN.  ALL of us have seen the footage of Bloodlusted Materialists 'gathering' all they could and fleeing to their homes.  Know what I say ?      "GO FOR IT" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is as STARVING Wanderers chancing upon a FEAST.  

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