Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Hunker Games

It was GROTESQUELY IRRESPONSIBLE for the Med Feds to issue a 'Self-Isolation' Quarantine, the now hypoxic, "Shelter-In-Place" without first providing WARNING so that there could have been RIOTS IN THE STREETS... at least  >There<  Good, Honest and Decent Folks coulda stolen enough Supplies & Provisions to make "Hunker Down" Legendary as in "The Hunker Games". 

There should have been an IMMEDIATE 'Cessation of ALL Payments' to Utilities Corps, Internet and Cable TV Providers, Cell Phone Carriers, plus, the Feds should have assumed STRICT Control over Grocery Stores in order to GUARANTEE access to Subsistence NECESSITIES to ALL Citizens and Itinerant Indigents alike.  Here it is that COMMON SENSE should have been THE Higher Reasoning FOUNDATION and NOT Political Efficacy. 

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