Monday, May 4, 2020


As far as the 'Writing' 'goes', I have always labored under one of the Definitions of Zen, the 2nd,,  "NO Dependence on Words or Letters".  You can see how that 'That' describes and Defines a Teaching Paradox, the abject NECESSITY to actually USE 'Words' to impress upon one's Student the Abject NECESSITY to GET BEYOND THE USE AND ABUSE OF WORDS.  When the Awakened One extended the Flower, as a means to express "No Dependence on Words", one and ONLY One Student received 'Transmission', such is the Nature of Zen's Telepathic Essence. 

Had it not been for Zen Master Dogen's "Writing" I may never have found ANY Value in my own Efforts.  It was YEARS before the Bodhisattva Manjushri entered my Devotional Field. 

The REASON Zen Sword is SO breathtakingly Effective iz, "NO WORDS" >>>  Sword IZ "Direct Pointing To Mind".  Training Sword is Training MIND. 

With Zen and the Art of Moving Stone I can now Point to Mind and actually SHOW the Effects of Zen Meditation.  Where Sword Demos are evaporative in Essence, the Stone and Rock are PERMANENT. 

Words can be lost, not so with 10 Ton Boulders.
Representations of Devotional Efforts, Beauty Resulting.

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