Sunday, May 24, 2020

Plagued By Plague

I wonder if Some Futurist will research 2020 History and ask, "What were these assholes DOING during the Plague Pandemic, I mean, BESIDES 'Sittin' '  'round the house, gettin' HY and watchin' the Tube' ?"  God Zilla forbid that MY tweets and blogs should be some sort of  'accounting' for the Totality of American Experience.  I mean, Holy FUCK. 

Many of Us, from Bygone Years and Days of Yore, remember when mostly ALL Shops and Businesses were CLOSED ON SUNDAYS.  To 'work' on Sunday was UNTHINKABLE !  You MUST appreciate HOW this Plague Pandemic is some sort of VALUE DISPENSATION, meaning, not only are ALL Shops and Businesses CLOSED, 'Movement' itself has been relegated to 'Essentiality'.   How GREAT it is to be relieved of EVERY 'Work induced hardship' ?! 

Modernity WAZ a BLUR.  Everyday a Work Day.  Everyday a Sensory Bombardment of Stress.
And you'd think, at least you'd WANT to think, that No One would tire of Doing Nothing.

Yet here We are in a 'where' of >>>"It aint EZ to 'do' Nothing" <<< .

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