Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Defiance as Desecration

Just now I change Defecation to Desecration, all because of the Maskless Mad folks, whose necks are Orange and Red.  THEY CANNOT BE TRUSTED >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>OBVIOUSLY !!!!!!!!!
To cite their lack of 'scruples' is to award them IGNORANCE as Valor, meaning, they just mite be TOO FUCKING STUPID TO KNOW NO BETTER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I aint giving them that. NO FUCKING WAY !!!! This Mask Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>IT'S WAR TO THEM !!!!!!!!!  They have but MURDEROUS Intent to inflict Virus upon Us.  Each and Every is a Covid Jihadist in the Infection Service of trump. 

They GLORIFY Pandemic !!!!!!!!!!!!

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