Friday, May 8, 2020

Maggie Haberman

In the Sci-Fi Film "Arrival" the Alien 'Heptopods' descended and then 'hovered' in suspension just above the Ground in 12 Nations.  The Number 12 is Biblically significant as reference to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, seeming Guarantors of Peace and Prosperity in the Land of Milk and Honey.  It's ass shit of course.  What I wish to note is that the Aliens did NOT descend upon the United Nations.  Let that "sink in" for a moment.

Amy Adams does a Masterful Job portraying A Doctor/Goddess of Communications and her Enchantment exudes a Maggie Haberman Authenticity to her Role.  The Military Politics of Governmental Status Quo obstructs her SCIENTIFIC 'Desire' for CONTROLLED Patience, the One that DEMANDS >Time< to execute and VERIFY  Data Evidence. 

As the Status Quo loses its Patience Amy Revelations that it is CO-OPERATION that MUST be Administered IFF the Earth is to be released from The Treat of Alien Occupation.  The 12 Nations MUST Share what each has fathomed from the Depth of their Investigations.

The Film employs "In the nick of Time" cliche to concretize Amy's multi-national Co-Operation and, with Amy's 'Gift' of Futurism Vision, the Earth is SAVED. 

2 words :  Co-Operation.

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