I awoke from a Dream at 2:50. As its images evaporated I could hear background communication. I focused....'It' was the Universe sending me Today's Consideration. 'It' was about trump and 'The Election Of 2020' . I'd spent some time yesterday trying to conceive some sort of Dramatic Structure in which to house my version of "Slaughter House Five". I'm figurin' that's what need --to SLAUGHTER trump.
Trump, in his most BRILLIANT Diabolical Fashion, has already begun to contaminate the 'well' of Public Square Election 'Water'. HIS Propagandal Pandemic has NO Limits, NO 'Out of Bounds', NO Areas Better Left Untouched, indeed, quite the Opposite. Almost ALL of "US" have yet to fathom the LIMITLESS 'Depth' of his political Cruelty---it just won't fucking END....................
Republican Vehemence (Contempt, Mockery and Scorn) for ALL Things 'Fair and Just' has already been manifested in California where "Mail-In" is, what most would consider, 'Sacrosanct'. We must NEVER forget that the republicans hold NOTHING as Sacred, except, perhaps, MONEY and, of course, PROFIT. Their "Allegiance" is to THEMSELVES, NOT to OUR Country and Its Constitution which Itself GUARANTEES 'The Right To Vote' AND The Right of That Vote
No and FUCK NO, the republicans AREN'T "Americans" in ANY sense of the Derivatives that Define and Describe the VALUES and Social Mores of Our Once GREAT Nation.
They are ENEMIES of the State.
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