Friday, May 8, 2020

...oh how the Mighty have fallen....

There's this Cosmic Conceit that Humankind, Itself, IZ the Virus :  That HUMANKIND is the Cancer, the Plague, the Pandemic, that is KILLING the Earth.  If Mother Earth and Her Twin Sister Mother Nature are so ADAMANT bordering on MANIACAL about Establishing Life upon Every Square Inch, how is it POSSIBLE to inflict Plague upon Her own 'Children' ???  I have argued that the Plague Pandemic IZ the 'Special Medicine' that imposes Solitary Isolation in order to re-balance the Collective Conscious--but The SCREAM here is "Why all the DEATH ????? !!!!"  It is a Primal Scream.

You MUST try and perceive how it is that Humankind works AGAINST the Sacred Intentions of the Twins.  The Priestess Joni Mitchell once Vison-ed "You Paved Paradise and put up a Parking Lot."  So it is as Civilization IGNORES The Will of the Goddesses Supreme, and VIOLATES the Common Sense of Shared Commonalities, the Commonalities of Clean Water, Clear Air, Plentiful Food, Peace and Prosperity. 

I have argued that the ESSENCE of Civilization is Co-Operation ---that--- When Civilization operates at ITS Best Intentions, Evolution proceeds with HEALTHY Import.  Citizens are viewed as CHERISHED Entities, and it is the Law-Abiding DUTY of Government to "See to" the Needs of EVERY ONE !!!! 

Such is the Might of Nations.

Such is the Might of Empires.

Oh how the Mighty have fallen.

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