Thursday, May 14, 2020


When I finished the rear boundary, shortening the chain-link fence with my bolt-cutters, raking out 3 year storm debris and this year's leaf accumulation, removing decaying pallet stock and repositioning the 2 pallets and burning what stock was too dirty and warped;  I got into the TV Room to hear, once again, "All-About-The-Department-Of-[In]Justice-Alumni-" and "How-They-Are-So-Pissed-They Wrote-A-Letter", which I found to be Stridently Pathetic.  2 words :  WHERE THE FUCK IS THE REVOLT ?????   The Present DOJ should have acknowledged the Alumni's 'Concern' by  > at the very LEAST<   standing uP at their desks for a Moment of Silence to issue Barr with  a Contempt 'For' Office Citation. 

I am 'beside myself' with far more than Concern.

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