Friday, May 8, 2020

Status Woe

I suppose we would all just LOVE to 'Believe' that we are gonna come out the 'Other  End' Stronger, Smarter and vastly more Experienced ;  that, this Plague Pandemic has somehow executed a Transformation which micrometers Calibrations of Necessary Change both Infinitely and Infinitesimally ; that, knowing the Virus effects and affects the Disadvantaged, the Old, the Weak and Infirm, that SOMEHOW Humankind will "come to its Senses" and begin to contrive and/or devise a Global Plan to EQUALIZE Evolutionary Demands, meaning, To Manage Global Resources to ADVANCE Planetary Civilization, in such a Manner in which ALL Life is elevated to SACRED Status, and not ONE Human Being is left behind to die alone in abject Abandonment. 

I mean, you'd think.

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