Monday, May 4, 2020


It's raining now, a warm May Rain, the Stillness drenched.  I'm still gonna go outdoors and walk about--there are a couple of projects that can be executed, small and almost silly as they may be.  It's as if the Great Mothers are promoting only my BEST 'Interest' >> to heal my shoulders............ .

Everything is In Place, the Pallet Industry, the Chair Industry, the Sewing Industry, the Training Industry, the writing Writing, Rite-ing, Ryte-ing Right-ing Industries and even Fables and Tales all
Manifestations of Indivduation,  Aspects and even Components of Psyche >> the Goddess of Mind.

ALL of THIS is nothing I eva 'planned'.  Seriously, not one thing, except MAYBE the rite-ing.  I will always rite, It's my Essence.  Maybe SWORD as well.  I cannot Imagine a Life without Sword.

Gallogs pointed out, in his succinct and pith Irish Steel, not much has changed for him, and by immediate ancillary, for us Retired Folks---except, of course, The Whole Get-Infected-And-DIE Scenario<<<<<<  > Pandemics will cause that kind of Dread >>>>  .

"Life 'goes on' " -------as does Death.

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