Sunday, May 24, 2020

Slave New World

Recent Research has revealed that Once Stricken Covid Survivors can be RE-INFECTED.  Morbid Astonishment is the newest Plague among the Medical Army. 

BIG Brain Folks Who KNOW are already fencing Alarms .... there may NEVER be a Vaccine.  Some have issued Resignation to a SLAVE NEW WORLD, One in which Plague is the ONLY Existential Absolute, One in which we are SLAVES to Virus.  Global Indemnity will be Mitigation NOT Vaccination. 

Trump has issued HIS Delusion as Propagandal Salve.  "The Economy will Return BETTER and STRONGER than Ever."   There is staunch and rabid Reporting that Jobs that are 'Gone' are gonna STAY 'Gone'.  Corporations will REMAIN Fortresses of Share-Holders.  The Filthy Rich, the Politically Positioned and the Squalor Wealthy CONTINUE to "Raid the Treasury", emptying the once VAST Resources that Common Folks have supplied since the End of the Great Depression,and the Atomic Cataclysm of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Folks are-gonna return to Something, but 'America' aint 'It'.

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