Wednesday, May 27, 2020


Remember Kidz >>  Trump LOST the Popular Vote !   Almost THREE MILLION VOTES were ignominiously IGNORED.  He was NOT "duly elected" !!!  He was 'chosen' by an OBSOLETE Electoral 'College' >> itself deranged by IMBECILIC MORONITY.  Listen Kidz >> THE 'SYSTEM' CAN NOT AND MUST NOT BE TRUSTED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

A Majority of Votes, even a 'Landslide' Majority WILL NOT BE ENOUGH TO REMOVE TRUMP.
It is a GIVEN that MILLIONS of Votes WILL BE DISMISSED !!!  Even a LANDSLIDE Victory will be DISCREDITED as FRAUDULENT !!!!!  Ballots WILL BE LOST !!!!!!!!!!!  Machines WILL BE DECLARED DEFUNCT !!!! 

Remember The Failures Of The Past !!!!!!!!!!!   DemocRATS made NO Effort to secure PAPER BALLOTS as GUARANTEE of Election Purity. 

Here there is only most BITTER Sorrow.

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