Thursday, May 14, 2020

"Snake Eyes"

The DemocRATS are also, 'once again', PROVING how dismally PATHETIC they are, as they include a hallucinogenic "Wish-List" of Psychotic 'Over-Reaches' that make the republicans LAUGH with their most onerous brand of Heinous Contempt.  The RATS want to opium-pipe Fiscal Relief for Financially Plagued States with ASTRONOMICAL Dispensations--That- along with GUARANTEEING that Fed Funds ALREADY PROMISED, actually REACH Citizens that are DROWNING in Dire Straits.  Among the Considerations >> Housing for the Homeless and FEDERAL Reviews of Plague Pandemic SLAUGHTER in Nursing Home Refineries and Death Camp 'Oven-like' Enclaves. 

You gotta shake your head in awe and disbelief as democRATS seemingly IGNORE the now VIOLENT Cruelty that IZ the republican ESSENCE. 

THERE IZ NO FUCKING WAY the republicans are-gonna allow one more PENNY for the now fully Contaminated Citizenry who MUST "Roll the Dice" and PRAY that "Snake Eyes" do not seal their Craps Shooting Fate.

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