Saturday, July 29, 2023

"Who's Next ?"


                        Know this {from MY Perspective} :   desantis is executing the Postmortem  Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, {MY Man} Malcolm X ,,  Frederick Douglas and ALL the Great Minds of Intellectual  American Black Royalty . 


Rock Steady..........Steady az She goze ... .                                                              

"Slaughter On 5th Avenue"

                         Media pundits are CLAMORING for some sort of Democrap* response ---ANY Response to desantis' "Slaughter On 5th Avenue".   What has been experienced is the "Silence Of The Lambs" --- the HIDEOUS {if not HEINOUS} [abject] REFUSAL to CONFRONT desantis FACE-TO-FACE in armed and unarmed Rhetorical {Dharma} Combat PUSSYS each and every---COWARDS who Fear even the slightest dyscomfort*,, those that seek gainful affirmation in the Pacifist Manifesto =  "Live and Let Live".

The Last Succor

                         We MUST conclude from desantis' identity that Intelligence does NOT guarantee Socio-Spiritual Refinement nor Sophistication .   I do not hesitate to posit the existence of the "Dark Arts"--the Sorcery of Those-That-Seek-The-Power-Of-Darkness  in order to advance their singularly PERSONAL {Violational*} agendas.   The Universe is governed by [The Law of] Dualism, the Yin and Yang of the Tao, that which is the Source and Origin of ALL Power .    Hitler, Stalin,, Pol Pot,,, {the Buddhist Hinayana Heretics of Myanmar} ,,,, Al Assad* ---- Others ~~~~  ALL are manifestations of an Evil Darkness that balances the Good with seemingly SUPERIOR Effection* .   

            Desantis is one such :   he access the demonic characteristics of the criminally insane, those characteristics that massacre Virtues and leave behind the Blood of Innocents -- the Five Fish and Five Loaves of Bread found as God's Liquid in the Holy Grail .   


"What's LOVE Got To Do With it ?"


                        It's raining.  It's the sweet-warm of vaporous cloud droplets, tepid, soothing, full of pure delight ~~~~~~~~~~~ .  It's the type of Rain that the Mother uses to expiate Her Sins ----------- .

            I was out at around 3--slammed by a wave of thick-wash un-breathe-able air -- my gills straining .

            I fed the Qittens*, collared them,, and sent them on their Way --excited they were, happy even .

            I sat at my desk to review yesterday's numbers, the sound of deep thunder-rumbles penetrating the Cave walls .

            After my Recitations I sat still wondering about the "Teaching"-- the Teaching of Conservative "Values"--what Liberals regard as grotesque { the [wretched] ANATHEMA of Virtuous Humanity } .  I had desantis in mind--Yale Grad :  Harvard Law and then Naval Law .  All that exposure to Liberal Ideals, Ideals he summarily REJECTED to accept instead the Evolutionary Degeneracy of  Red Neck Socio-Political  Misanthropy .   

            Folks LOVE him as they LOVE trump .   WTF doesn't even approach their miscreant criminality .




Friday, July 28, 2023

"Metallic Pindar Disk"


                        "It" goes {somethyng*} like this :  the "Body Politic", the Mind Politic,, the Heart Politic,,, and the Soul Politic .    Let me define my use of "Politic" thusly :   the Communication Transference between Entities .    Transference here IMPLIES the Movement of  Conditioned Intent .    As in Zen Communication , No Words or Speech is{are} required {although BOTH make "IT" ez-er}.  

            We've seen mitch mcconnell's SHORT CIRCUIT ---  AGE did that to him, ain't NONE of us gonna escape AGE {and DEATH for that matter} .   As Jim Morrison darkly concluded, "No one here gets out Alive."

            Mitch mcconnell IHHZ America's Mind, Body,, Heart,,, and Soul ---  Biden the Same .   Sides of the Same U.S. Minted Coin .   

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ....

6 over 20 means POWER up the yin yang

                         My favorite mower is a "Lawn Boy"---it has a 20 inch deck and a Briggs and Stratton 6 Horse-Power Motor .   It has fat wheels that forgive an  uneven and  even  rough   terrain {turf surface}.   6  horses  over  a  20 inch deck MEANS   EZ Cutting PROVIDED the blade is sharp .  If the blade is NOT sharp what SHOULD-BE an EZ walk-behind becomes an arduous PUSH .   A dull blade BLEEDS horsepower, and it shreds the tops of the grass plants leaving them to 'brown-out' -- an unsightly {eye sore} condition that connotes abject sloth on behalf of the mower-man .   

          You'd think, "Well all you gotta do is SHARPEN the fucking blade"-- I mean, you'd think--- but then you gotta think AGAIN .  In order to sharpen the blade you gotta remove it which means finding the socket and ratchet [ or breaking bar] ,  cleaning the blades surface of residue build-up, getting it to the grinder, grinding it to 'true' and then balancing it .   Since the mower is already on its side, you MUST scrape out the deck, making yet another mess you gotta clean-up .   Not only is sharpening NOT a 5 second event, Sharpening is an ATTITUDE !   

            My AGE forces me to reckon the time with the result.

             So it is with American Democracy -- it's OLD , oh so FUCKING Olde .  "Reckoning" isn't a kwik* Analysis  and a "get rite to it' industrial phenomenon, no and FUCK NO --  It is an arduous EFFORT that seeks Resolution via UNREMITTING Dyscourse* and Rhetorical yet HEINOUS Urbanitry* .  Here  now  UNFORGIVABLE   Malfeasance which manifests as the Guile of "Talk is CHEAP !"

Miasmic Morass

                         Reports are entered that INSIST, "All is swELL" .   It hasn't registered on the American {Re}Public and the democraps* do NOT know WHY .   One X Congressman stated the "Captain Obvious" account {on account of} ---  "look at the price of gas" !!  "Folks are still workin' hard but they AINT "gettin' no where".   Biden's Gov routinely broadcasts the million and BILLIONS of U.S. Treasure being "handed-over" to the Democracy Freedom Fighters aka the Ukraine Mil .   Supplying Ukraine with Pennsylvania-wrought Munitions may be a WINDFALL for the Pennsylvanian Steel People but exactly HOW does that relieve Inflationary Exhaustion of the REST of US ??? !!!    Captain Obvious cries, "IT DOESN'T " !   

            This thyng* about "Over There"    in Sub-Conscious-NESS it registers as "Across the Street" and "Rite* Next Door ",,  and THAT 'Means' "Vietnam {aka Afghanistan}  NEVER ENDED" -- That we are STILL >> At War<<  in a "Far Away Country" that  "don't  speak  the English"  {NOT TRUE}  and "Don't mean NOTHIN' to US !"  

            Here it is where Heartsickness meets and marries Mental Illness .   

The Forge

                         My Kitten-Kat, Saffron, awakened me with a plaintive "Poppa I'm STARVING".  I looked over--1:10 a.m.   I got up and fed her, went downstairs and reclined on the Monk's Bed along with my Bear-Bear, Romper and Snowflake---they tried to ease my Pain--- I LOVE them for that .

            I know what the headaches Mean, {they are MEAN to me} ~~  I got some coffee and settled in the "Cushioned, Crushing,, Silence ~~~~~ I could barely breathe .    Yesterday during Nicole Wallace's Class I made a mental note to explain HOW the Myth transmogrified into Religion .   Oddly, I was unable to see all the schyte* I "saw" yesterday aft when that Energy seized me.   {I mean shit, how could that be ?} .   I executed my Recitations and slowly, { [and] ever so phuqing slowly} my vision cleared .   

            The Outdoor Conditions are unbearable, the INNER Conditions also UNBEARABLE so where does THAT "leave" me ?    How to Neutralize the Pain in an INTELLIGENT Manner ?   Here it is where my own Analysis somehow manages to {pervertedly*} Reward me .   The Interior HEAT , the so-called "Hell On Earth" IHHZ* the Physical Manifestation of the Heat of Hell that Democracy is currently experiencing --~~  .     It is As If Mother Nature and Her Twin, Mother Earth, have  joined  Forces  with "The Spirit of America"  to  BAKE the Truth >>>BOTH<<<  Truths [ the Truth of the Big Lie and the Truth of CIVILIZED Democracy ]  into the Hearts, Minds, Bodies and Souls of the {once} American Citizenry .

            Two words :   Synchronicity . 

The Qat With The Acorn Hat


                        Low grade headaches continue to plague me, this now, the 4th day.   The outdoor conditions remain brutal, my gills are under huge stress, my sinus passages are growing moss, mildew and mold ~~~~ .  Old Age sucks and then you can't get any recuperative rest .   I'm certain my Heart-Sickness has contaminated my Intellect --- I'm certain I have asked all the "Ryte"* Questions yet the Answers are met with {blind} rejection.  I cannot account for that 'it'.  

            Republicans are BEGGING for 'theirs' to take to the Streets armed with AR-15's in order to overthrow the Northern Oppression [defined by "Woke-Ism] .   "Might is Right" --- THE most SICKENING Characteristic of the morbidly deranged, emotionally insane and savagely zealous .   "Heartsick" barely approaches the State of Dire Straits .   The Suffering they Inflict is INHUMAN let alone being "UN-American".   It makes me wonder ~~~~~~~~~  were they EVER "Human" ???


Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Donald J. Trump StuporStar


                        Written History provides the TRUTH of Jesus' and Mohammed's Ministries .   However the TRUTH Of The Existence Of God [Allah] CANNOT be Proven nor can the NON-Existence of God [Allah] be Proven as well.   Here it is where the Individual is sole {SOUL} Arbiter of [Personal] Reality . 

            Democracy GUARANTEES "Religious Freedom".   When Trumpism ascended from Cult to Religion  it attained CONSTITUTIONAL Protection .   

            Trump ain't-gonna-be crucified .  Believe it .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... 



                        Democracy has undergone TWO Trials and FAILED each time to Convict.   Let's supplant Democracy with REALITY  and observe THAT Consequence .   The Truth of Proof, in the form of UNDENIABLE Evidence, was NOT 'Strong Enough' to Convict trump and REMOVE him from accredited Political Normality  .   It wasn't even [fucking] CLOSE  !!      Instead, what transpired was the PROOF oF Mythological Truth, the Truth of the BIG LIE .   Understand that the Impeachments were VALID Efforts to apply Democratic Judicial Standards that JUSTICE be "Served".   HALF the {once} American Nation BELIEVES that "Justice" was INDEED "Served"--that trump was INNOCENT .   THIS is the POWER OF MYTH, in the EXACT { X-ACT } "Same Way" as the Biblical and Koranic "Myths".  

            Here it is where Myth becomes INDISTINGUISHABLE from RELIGION .   


Politicult* Perversion

                     The upcoming Trials are no mere Challenges to the American Democracy as much as they are Stages upon which the Credibility of Reality is to be jurisdictionally* Scrutinized .    

          I have contended that trump is no longer a human personage but rather a 'demi-god' made so by a grotesque political Apostasy turned APOTHEOSIS .   Initially, there were robust Efforts to 'tag' trump as 'Cult Leader',  KEEPING him within the Realm of Acceptable {Political} {{ Politicult}} Perversion .   This THIS has failed to supply a VALID description of his Present-Day Status .   Trump's status as demi-god DOES supply {Spiro-Political} MEANING to Trumpism which now MUST-BE properly perceived as Socio-Political RELIGION.  In this Realm Lies CANNOT Exist !!!!   There CAN Exist only the MYTH of  Political-Thievery-as Day-To-Day REALITY .    Half of the {once} American Nation BELIEVES  "NO CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED" .     Trump's Teaching IHHZ* this Myth .  His Mission is to perpetuate this MYTH in an unrelenting  Campaign to NEUTRALIZE  {the Truth of} Reality .   


Once upon a Crime

                    It's my Belief {CONVICTION} that the American Conscious-Ness has been corrupted somewhat NATURALLY as a result of  inattention{Dys-attention} .   Dr. Jambec TOLD me that the English Language is VERY "Fluid", meaning that contemporary conditions act upon the Language to provide NEW 'meanings' within the existing definitions and even to attach a new definition to existing words .    

            I have wondered that the Stories of our Childhood {because of their AGE} have FAILED to supply modernality* --- that because of their AGE {they} do NOT 'register' on the `Collective Conscious` as FOUNDATIONAL* Platforms of Common Sense, Common Morality and Common Ethics .   I have long argued that there is a Ryte* versus Rwong*  Psychology between 'Growing Up Disney' and growing up 'World of War'.  Disney provided the Classics with Modernizational* Relevance .   He and his brought LIFE to the ANCIENT Concepts of Good versus Evil, Beauty versus Ugliness in such a way that not only stimulated Imaginations but imbued the SENSE  of  {What is} Right and {What is} Wrong .  This THIS was the {Unspoken} Goal of Stories, Fables and Tales, the Mythology that the Human Psyche NEEDS in order to Function as NORMAL--- where Normal MEANS the Reliance on Truth, Common Sense, and LOGICAL Reasoning  which are REQUIRED to observe the True Nature of REALITY .   

          The Rejection of Truth IHHZ* {is} the Rejection of Reality .



                    I awoke to, `The cucumbers have arrived.`  I rolled onto my side to see the clock, 1:10.  Then this :  `Q-cumbers`---why isn't cucumber spelled with a 'Q' ?  I wondered ......................................... .

          You qidz* know I have SERIOUS mental deformities, most of which I cherish, they define my mental existence, check that, SOME on my Mental Existence {{the Happy-FUN parts}} .   A "while-ago*" I decided to change the English Language to better sit my PERSONAL Needs .  The kwikest* and EZ-est way to do that was simply to change spelling in order to FORCE interior inspection of words that they may reveal the Sub-Conscious MEANINGS, held captive within---- .   

          The Idea to alter the Language was stolen from my Study of the I Ching [The Book of Changes].   Therein are the Mechanics of Such ---  the Concepts encoded within the Hexagrams that 'act' on the Mind so that it may FULLY `appreciate` {Comprehend} the 'Activity' of Understanding.   I have long argued that sentences are Sword Strokes ~~~ they `cut` to the Marrow of Expression-as-Transmission .    Words themselves are thrusts and/or slashes, Point-to-Point penetrations and/or linear {openings*} that cause the bleeding of Meaning .


Monday, July 17, 2023

The Low Spark Of HY Healed Boys

                     I must leave this here ,,, my serratus and intercostals are beginning to ache as they always do when I ryte for a prolonged time.

          It's 9:31 here in New England, America --- I'm gonna "Leave my mind alone, and just get HY."  I don't care how that reads, and if you are offended that's too bad .    THC is Medicine to me, it alleviates some Pain and aids me in penetrative observance .   Of course, there's the Therapeutic Value of Music .

          Quite by accident {there NO such a thing as "Coincidence"} I put on a Something-I-Can't Recall that had within its Lyrics, "What it means to be a Man".   It was a "Sapphire Bullet" into my Soul .   I sat stunned .   How can this be ?????

            I know I've left a Mess here today -- I may or may not clean it up --- I'm weak AND lazy .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .

P. S.   Traffic   "The Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys" .


Miss Bea Ghottin

                   The `Other Side` of the 'Coin' is the Expression of Beauty .     THIS Transmission flows as easily as a cool stream of water-------{seemingly}  effortlessly,,, but I would argue that this Flow iz* less than Realistic .   The Expression of Beauty is NOT what characterizes Lao Tzu's "Untangle the knots, soften the glare".    Beauty Exists as surely as Hideous Ugliness and yet I hesitate---------------- I am reluctant to generate my Expressions of Vision because it doesn't FEEL ryte*--it's scary to me ~~ for how can Beauty Exist side-by-side to abject Cruelty, Murder and  Invasionary* Slaughter ?   Here's the tautology of THAT :  It does because It DOES.   You take a bite out of that and it's gonna-be ridiculously difficult to swallow .  Of course, the Universe IZ what it Iz  {Ain't no escape, never has been.}.  Intellectually understanding the Tautology of Universal Existence is of little aid in ACCEPTING Reality "AS IT IS".  Here now Zen Master Joan Didion's exerted Absolute, {You gotta} "Play It As It Lays".  "Truer words" cannot be spoken and yet {here we go} "Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood."



Miss Ann Thrope

                    If you go way back in the "Way Back Machine" you may hear a Rock + Roll Classic  by Eric Burdon and The Animals  who did, "Oh Lord, Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood".    It's a Plea if not flat-out Supplication to the Music Gods to enlist Their aid in the transmission of their Song to the ears and Hearts of their Listeners .    Here it is where INTENTION may not 'register'--that one's words do NOT convey (a) PRECISE Meaning .   Here too, Actions, sometimes contribute to a Confusion, a Con-Fusion of either Ethics or Morality or BOTH [even] , leaving the Listener to experience a Physicality devoid of Meaning .  {"It SOUNDS good, it FEELS good,, but I don't know what it MEANS."}    There is an Essence of Soul here, the Individual Expression of Heartfelt, Soul Bombing FEELING that the Lyricist intends ---that which TRULY defines that Individual's Pain and Suffering .   

          You wanna* deliver Truth, the Truth of {Primal} Expression, the Truth that acts in a cathartic "manner", a Catharsis that provides Relief to Mind, Heart and Soul .   Here it is where Ryting* provides that Catharsis , the EMPTYING of Suffering and Agony {and it MASSIVEWEIGHT*} from the Heart an Soul .   This 'Emptying' IZ* the "IT" of Zen Master Seung Sahn's "Put it all down".    An ancillary Teaching can be found in the Song "Ain't Wasting Time No More" by the Allman Brothers off "Eat A Peach".  It is this "  Look outside your self/  and if you don't see what you want / then leave your mind alone /  and just get HY".   I confess, I get HY alot .  It eases the Pain and helps me See ~~~  but I digress......


Rick O'Shay


                    Every morning I THINK, "I should Ryte*" .    Time's Energy has ricocheted back+forth, up+down effecting me as if I am a pin ball at the mercy of a semi-divine Pin Ball Wizard .  I can't keep 'it' together .   I WANT "days to pass as day's pass" but it has been impossible  for reasons that appear and disappear .   

            Outdoor Conditions have been Suffocating---a Suffocation that drains my Will, leaving behind a residual of irate emotions, the "I-remember-whens" of a story-laden Past, itself filled with the utmost BORING penetrudes* of individual trade history.   I COULD deliver these stories, I mean, I SHOULD, since my work experiences DO have Value, much in the Way and Ways of Myth and Legend gone the route of Street and Gutter facsimile .   These stories `ALL-WAYS` go the Way of "If-I-can-do-it-so-can-you" apologies* .    I WANT to "make things better"---to advance Civilization in such a Way wherein ALL Sentient Beings Benefit .   Dr. Ken Ring told me, "Your job is to RE-TELL the ancient Myths and Stories" [that Exist and HAVE EXISTED since the Birth of Human Kind].   Here it is, where "Modernization" is the Goal, to make those ancient Stories and Myths >>REAL<< once again: make them RELEVANT to a Public whose interest in Reality has flagged violently .   I mean, I WANT to do THAT--to be a Contributor to the overall Mythological HEALTH of Humankind, but I gotta confess---that "IT" seems IM-FUCKING-POSSIBLE .                                                    Go figure.......................... .

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Jack Hoff

                     A second factor in the consideration of Great Weight Movement is size reduction.  Can the item be REDuced ?   You want the object to be manageable, and if there is NO aesthetic negativity from size reduction, then, by all means, make effort to reduce its size .  OBVIOUSLY this is EASILY applied to trees, limbs, branches etc.,  but when rock or stone is involved, it may be Labor Intense  to  effort reduction and worse, the rock or stone's aesthetic may be jeopardized .   Plus, you MUST have the tools that can effect reduction:  drills, hammers, chisels and the like are ABSOLUTELY necessary when reduction is justifiably warranted, otherwise the move becomes a "grit-your-teeth" aspiration .   

            It took me some time to acquire correct size pipes that could withstand the crush of Great Weight.  I apply them as rollers which minimized turf and ground scarring and facilitate ease of advancement .  Even with these rollers the addition of 3/4 inch plywood is a BEAUTIFUL supplement to encourage influence, but here now the ABJECT NECESSITY of the correct jacks to elevate the rock .   Having the rollers without the jacks is a condition of dysfulfillment*.  


                     I find need to supplement yesterday's effort.

            I have learned that when moving great weight that it is IMPERATIVE to decide on its new position BEFORE attempting the move .  It is best to visualize the path and CLEAR that path of any and all obstructions, since once inertia is broken, it is difficult to change direction.   The 2nd Imperative is to move the great weight the LEAST distance, a distance that causes the MOST relief .   

            As in ALL transfer or transport tasks   DO NOT HANDLE THINGS TWICE.  This adage is Old School Post WWII >>  DOGMA.   BEFORE you pick something up KNOW ITS NEW LOCATION .  Wasted time performing things twice or even three times is an indicator of a lazy mind that refuses to "Think things through".

            The Great Weight of Grief and Sorrow, though initially debilitating, will eventually evaporate .  The problem is one of Time and ITS Effect on Mind and Heart .   It is a preferred sentiment that "Time heals all wounds".  I find this suspect at best, at worst, egregious .  Inevitably the wound produces scar tissue, that when contacted, STILL emits Pain .  There is no escape from This.


Monday, July 10, 2023

Piss Rich


                    How to restore Fabric Integrity ?????   How to restore my Confidence in Faith---my Conviction ?????                                  {               }   .

            ...not a fucking clue ...................

            I use to be "piss-poor" now I'm Piss RICH .

            There's an Earthly Absolute :   "When it gets too heavy you gotta put it down".  Indeed, the Venerable Zen Master Seung Sahn taught that Very Same with this Teaching Admonition :

                                                "Put it all down.

                                                  Put it all down.

                                                  Put EVERYTHING down."

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .


Ripped or "Ripped-Off" ???

                     Pick and shovel labor is oft referred to as "back-breaking" ^^  "ball busting"  Work .   If you have wielded maul or sledge, pick-ax or adz you know [wtf] I'm talking' about {that of which I speak}.  I have wondered if my dysconfidence in Faith isn't an ancillary result of a "Broken Heart" .   Each day we are exposed [if not inundated] with "News" that is both "Heart Breaking" and "Gut Wrenching*" .   We cannot 'break' "fabric" but it can be torn and/or ripped --- and if Faith is Will, then most definitely my Will has been   b   ro   k e  n    by  the unrelenting HORROR and SORROW of day-to-day delivery .  

             We Suffer and We Suffer greatly .


The Canadian said, "And there it was, GONE"

                     Somewhere "Confidence" must be included in this Mix .   I have CONFIDENCE that my Belief is True .   Let's substitute "Certainty" for Belief --- therein lies a PHYSICAL Quality --- a Quality that does NOT require either visible or invisible Proof .   Now we can add "Conviction" which carries with IT  "Physical Force" manifested as Will Power .  

           Faith as MANIFESTATION of  >>  WILL  <<  Power.

          Now we're getting closer .



...lice infested hair vest .....

                     I scare myself sometimes .   I think stuff then repeat that stuff to any one of my Selfs who is listening .   Why don't I know "About Faith" ???    The "Great Faith" I have toward Buddha's Teaching is NOT the Faith I NEED for day to day aspirations .   Politicians glut, "I have Great Faith in the American People" .  I have no such faith---quite the OPPOSITE actually .  Thing is, I fear there is perversion within the Thinking of Faith --- THAT makes me a "perv".  Nothing pretty there .  Martin Luther tortured himself with "The SIN of Thought".   Nothing pretty THERE either ....... .

          What is the SOURCE of Faith ?   It's gotta come from a Somewhere of Mind, Heart and Soul---but suppose it's Heart ?  All Heart and nothing BUT the Heart --- Here now the debilitating condition of Emotion -----  Faith as EMOTION ????????  That CAN'T-BE  Right .

            Dysconfidence* spreads to self-questioning,,, itself something of a lice-infested hair vest .  

            Somewhere in Out There is a definition of Faith that goes this way >>  Faith is UN-PROVABLE Belief .   Good-by Frying Pan ,,,,,  Hello Fire -------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .


The Law Of Faith

                     I have some {GREAT} resistance to identifying ANY of my "Self's" as "Law and Order" bound.  Days elapsed until I came upon a Truth :  one of the definitions of 'Dharma' is  >> Law << .  That realization helped but only slightly and for minor duration .   Along side 'this' was a dysconfidence* of  >> Faith << .   I heard a TV voice utter, "...fabric of Hope..."  and wondered if there could be a "Fabric of Faith".   What does that 'fabric' look like ?  What is its True Nature ?  But then, What is Faith ?  What is ITS True Nature ?   

            There is this word, "cavitation" ===  it's the "wash" generated by an outboard motor propeller --- that's where my head was --in spiritual cavitation .    It wasn't just the `swirl` of confusion -- this schyte* was DRIVEN .   

          Is there a "Law of Faith" ?   What IHZ*  "The Law of Faith" ??????  


Idiot Day


                    I know I know, I hear ya---"Sabom, EVERY day is Idiot Day for you."  I guess.......  I awoke at 1 a.m.  this morning, yesterday's headache alive and well .  I know these headaches... .  

            I NEEDED to ryte*~~ knew I couldn't until I'd re-ordered the Music and Poetry Studio .   I bought an indoor AC, free standing, so I could cool the Cave, and dry the air, and recover the water, a primary requirement ~~~~~~~~~~~the lower-level humidity was "off the scale".   It's taken a couple of months to justify the expense-----------but I'm Old now, I need clean, cool and dry air just onnacounta*........ .  

            Idiot Day is when you do all the pipsqueak, tiny shit that accumulates until EPOCH CATACLYSM is at hand .  

             "Shit Accumulates" should be {and probably IZ} a Cosmic Absoute .