Saturday, July 29, 2023

"What's LOVE Got To Do With it ?"


                        It's raining.  It's the sweet-warm of vaporous cloud droplets, tepid, soothing, full of pure delight ~~~~~~~~~~~ .  It's the type of Rain that the Mother uses to expiate Her Sins ----------- .

            I was out at around 3--slammed by a wave of thick-wash un-breathe-able air -- my gills straining .

            I fed the Qittens*, collared them,, and sent them on their Way --excited they were, happy even .

            I sat at my desk to review yesterday's numbers, the sound of deep thunder-rumbles penetrating the Cave walls .

            After my Recitations I sat still wondering about the "Teaching"-- the Teaching of Conservative "Values"--what Liberals regard as grotesque { the [wretched] ANATHEMA of Virtuous Humanity } .  I had desantis in mind--Yale Grad :  Harvard Law and then Naval Law .  All that exposure to Liberal Ideals, Ideals he summarily REJECTED to accept instead the Evolutionary Degeneracy of  Red Neck Socio-Political  Misanthropy .   

            Folks LOVE him as they LOVE trump .   WTF doesn't even approach their miscreant criminality .




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