Friday, July 28, 2023

Miasmic Morass

                         Reports are entered that INSIST, "All is swELL" .   It hasn't registered on the American {Re}Public and the democraps* do NOT know WHY .   One X Congressman stated the "Captain Obvious" account {on account of} ---  "look at the price of gas" !!  "Folks are still workin' hard but they AINT "gettin' no where".   Biden's Gov routinely broadcasts the million and BILLIONS of U.S. Treasure being "handed-over" to the Democracy Freedom Fighters aka the Ukraine Mil .   Supplying Ukraine with Pennsylvania-wrought Munitions may be a WINDFALL for the Pennsylvanian Steel People but exactly HOW does that relieve Inflationary Exhaustion of the REST of US ??? !!!    Captain Obvious cries, "IT DOESN'T " !   

            This thyng* about "Over There"    in Sub-Conscious-NESS it registers as "Across the Street" and "Rite* Next Door ",,  and THAT 'Means' "Vietnam {aka Afghanistan}  NEVER ENDED" -- That we are STILL >> At War<<  in a "Far Away Country" that  "don't  speak  the English"  {NOT TRUE}  and "Don't mean NOTHIN' to US !"  

            Here it is where Heartsickness meets and marries Mental Illness .   

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