Tuesday, July 11, 2023


                     I find need to supplement yesterday's effort.

            I have learned that when moving great weight that it is IMPERATIVE to decide on its new position BEFORE attempting the move .  It is best to visualize the path and CLEAR that path of any and all obstructions, since once inertia is broken, it is difficult to change direction.   The 2nd Imperative is to move the great weight the LEAST distance, a distance that causes the MOST relief .   

            As in ALL transfer or transport tasks   DO NOT HANDLE THINGS TWICE.  This adage is Old School Post WWII >>  DOGMA.   BEFORE you pick something up KNOW ITS NEW LOCATION .  Wasted time performing things twice or even three times is an indicator of a lazy mind that refuses to "Think things through".

            The Great Weight of Grief and Sorrow, though initially debilitating, will eventually evaporate .  The problem is one of Time and ITS Effect on Mind and Heart .   It is a preferred sentiment that "Time heals all wounds".  I find this suspect at best, at worst, egregious .  Inevitably the wound produces scar tissue, that when contacted, STILL emits Pain .  There is no escape from This.


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