Tuesday, July 25, 2023



                    I awoke to, `The cucumbers have arrived.`  I rolled onto my side to see the clock, 1:10.  Then this :  `Q-cumbers`---why isn't cucumber spelled with a 'Q' ?  I wondered ......................................... .

          You qidz* know I have SERIOUS mental deformities, most of which I cherish, they define my mental existence, check that, SOME on my Mental Existence {{the Happy-FUN parts}} .   A "while-ago*" I decided to change the English Language to better sit my PERSONAL Needs .  The kwikest* and EZ-est way to do that was simply to change spelling in order to FORCE interior inspection of words that they may reveal the Sub-Conscious MEANINGS, held captive within---- .   

          The Idea to alter the Language was stolen from my Study of the I Ching [The Book of Changes].   Therein are the Mechanics of Such ---  the Concepts encoded within the Hexagrams that 'act' on the Mind so that it may FULLY `appreciate` {Comprehend} the 'Activity' of Understanding.   I have long argued that sentences are Sword Strokes ~~~ they `cut` to the Marrow of Expression-as-Transmission .    Words themselves are thrusts and/or slashes, Point-to-Point penetrations and/or linear {openings*} that cause the bleeding of Meaning .


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