Friday, July 28, 2023

"Metallic Pindar Disk"


                        "It" goes {somethyng*} like this :  the "Body Politic", the Mind Politic,, the Heart Politic,,, and the Soul Politic .    Let me define my use of "Politic" thusly :   the Communication Transference between Entities .    Transference here IMPLIES the Movement of  Conditioned Intent .    As in Zen Communication , No Words or Speech is{are} required {although BOTH make "IT" ez-er}.  

            We've seen mitch mcconnell's SHORT CIRCUIT ---  AGE did that to him, ain't NONE of us gonna escape AGE {and DEATH for that matter} .   As Jim Morrison darkly concluded, "No one here gets out Alive."

            Mitch mcconnell IHHZ America's Mind, Body,, Heart,,, and Soul ---  Biden the Same .   Sides of the Same U.S. Minted Coin .   

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ....

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