Monday, July 17, 2023

The Low Spark Of HY Healed Boys

                     I must leave this here ,,, my serratus and intercostals are beginning to ache as they always do when I ryte for a prolonged time.

          It's 9:31 here in New England, America --- I'm gonna "Leave my mind alone, and just get HY."  I don't care how that reads, and if you are offended that's too bad .    THC is Medicine to me, it alleviates some Pain and aids me in penetrative observance .   Of course, there's the Therapeutic Value of Music .

          Quite by accident {there NO such a thing as "Coincidence"} I put on a Something-I-Can't Recall that had within its Lyrics, "What it means to be a Man".   It was a "Sapphire Bullet" into my Soul .   I sat stunned .   How can this be ?????

            I know I've left a Mess here today -- I may or may not clean it up --- I'm weak AND lazy .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .

P. S.   Traffic   "The Low Spark Of High Heeled Boys" .


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