Friday, July 28, 2023

The Qat With The Acorn Hat


                        Low grade headaches continue to plague me, this now, the 4th day.   The outdoor conditions remain brutal, my gills are under huge stress, my sinus passages are growing moss, mildew and mold ~~~~ .  Old Age sucks and then you can't get any recuperative rest .   I'm certain my Heart-Sickness has contaminated my Intellect --- I'm certain I have asked all the "Ryte"* Questions yet the Answers are met with {blind} rejection.  I cannot account for that 'it'.  

            Republicans are BEGGING for 'theirs' to take to the Streets armed with AR-15's in order to overthrow the Northern Oppression [defined by "Woke-Ism] .   "Might is Right" --- THE most SICKENING Characteristic of the morbidly deranged, emotionally insane and savagely zealous .   "Heartsick" barely approaches the State of Dire Straits .   The Suffering they Inflict is INHUMAN let alone being "UN-American".   It makes me wonder ~~~~~~~~~  were they EVER "Human" ???


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