Monday, July 10, 2023

Ripped or "Ripped-Off" ???

                     Pick and shovel labor is oft referred to as "back-breaking" ^^  "ball busting"  Work .   If you have wielded maul or sledge, pick-ax or adz you know [wtf] I'm talking' about {that of which I speak}.  I have wondered if my dysconfidence in Faith isn't an ancillary result of a "Broken Heart" .   Each day we are exposed [if not inundated] with "News" that is both "Heart Breaking" and "Gut Wrenching*" .   We cannot 'break' "fabric" but it can be torn and/or ripped --- and if Faith is Will, then most definitely my Will has been   b   ro   k e  n    by  the unrelenting HORROR and SORROW of day-to-day delivery .  

             We Suffer and We Suffer greatly .


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