Monday, July 17, 2023

Rick O'Shay


                    Every morning I THINK, "I should Ryte*" .    Time's Energy has ricocheted back+forth, up+down effecting me as if I am a pin ball at the mercy of a semi-divine Pin Ball Wizard .  I can't keep 'it' together .   I WANT "days to pass as day's pass" but it has been impossible  for reasons that appear and disappear .   

            Outdoor Conditions have been Suffocating---a Suffocation that drains my Will, leaving behind a residual of irate emotions, the "I-remember-whens" of a story-laden Past, itself filled with the utmost BORING penetrudes* of individual trade history.   I COULD deliver these stories, I mean, I SHOULD, since my work experiences DO have Value, much in the Way and Ways of Myth and Legend gone the route of Street and Gutter facsimile .   These stories `ALL-WAYS` go the Way of "If-I-can-do-it-so-can-you" apologies* .    I WANT to "make things better"---to advance Civilization in such a Way wherein ALL Sentient Beings Benefit .   Dr. Ken Ring told me, "Your job is to RE-TELL the ancient Myths and Stories" [that Exist and HAVE EXISTED since the Birth of Human Kind].   Here it is, where "Modernization" is the Goal, to make those ancient Stories and Myths >>REAL<< once again: make them RELEVANT to a Public whose interest in Reality has flagged violently .   I mean, I WANT to do THAT--to be a Contributor to the overall Mythological HEALTH of Humankind, but I gotta confess---that "IT" seems IM-FUCKING-POSSIBLE .                                                    Go figure.......................... .

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