Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Politicult* Perversion

                     The upcoming Trials are no mere Challenges to the American Democracy as much as they are Stages upon which the Credibility of Reality is to be jurisdictionally* Scrutinized .    

          I have contended that trump is no longer a human personage but rather a 'demi-god' made so by a grotesque political Apostasy turned APOTHEOSIS .   Initially, there were robust Efforts to 'tag' trump as 'Cult Leader',  KEEPING him within the Realm of Acceptable {Political} {{ Politicult}} Perversion .   This THIS has failed to supply a VALID description of his Present-Day Status .   Trump's status as demi-god DOES supply {Spiro-Political} MEANING to Trumpism which now MUST-BE properly perceived as Socio-Political RELIGION.  In this Realm Lies CANNOT Exist !!!!   There CAN Exist only the MYTH of  Political-Thievery-as Day-To-Day REALITY .    Half of the {once} American Nation BELIEVES  "NO CRIME HAS BEEN COMMITTED" .     Trump's Teaching IHHZ* this Myth .  His Mission is to perpetuate this MYTH in an unrelenting  Campaign to NEUTRALIZE  {the Truth of} Reality .   


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