Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Last Succor

                         We MUST conclude from desantis' identity that Intelligence does NOT guarantee Socio-Spiritual Refinement nor Sophistication .   I do not hesitate to posit the existence of the "Dark Arts"--the Sorcery of Those-That-Seek-The-Power-Of-Darkness  in order to advance their singularly PERSONAL {Violational*} agendas.   The Universe is governed by [The Law of] Dualism, the Yin and Yang of the Tao, that which is the Source and Origin of ALL Power .    Hitler, Stalin,, Pol Pot,,, {the Buddhist Hinayana Heretics of Myanmar} ,,,, Al Assad* ---- Others ~~~~  ALL are manifestations of an Evil Darkness that balances the Good with seemingly SUPERIOR Effection* .   

            Desantis is one such :   he access the demonic characteristics of the criminally insane, those characteristics that massacre Virtues and leave behind the Blood of Innocents -- the Five Fish and Five Loaves of Bread found as God's Liquid in the Holy Grail .   


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