Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Once upon a Crime

                    It's my Belief {CONVICTION} that the American Conscious-Ness has been corrupted somewhat NATURALLY as a result of  inattention{Dys-attention} .   Dr. Jambec TOLD me that the English Language is VERY "Fluid", meaning that contemporary conditions act upon the Language to provide NEW 'meanings' within the existing definitions and even to attach a new definition to existing words .    

            I have wondered that the Stories of our Childhood {because of their AGE} have FAILED to supply modernality* --- that because of their AGE {they} do NOT 'register' on the `Collective Conscious` as FOUNDATIONAL* Platforms of Common Sense, Common Morality and Common Ethics .   I have long argued that there is a Ryte* versus Rwong*  Psychology between 'Growing Up Disney' and growing up 'World of War'.  Disney provided the Classics with Modernizational* Relevance .   He and his brought LIFE to the ANCIENT Concepts of Good versus Evil, Beauty versus Ugliness in such a way that not only stimulated Imaginations but imbued the SENSE  of  {What is} Right and {What is} Wrong .  This THIS was the {Unspoken} Goal of Stories, Fables and Tales, the Mythology that the Human Psyche NEEDS in order to Function as NORMAL--- where Normal MEANS the Reliance on Truth, Common Sense, and LOGICAL Reasoning  which are REQUIRED to observe the True Nature of REALITY .   

          The Rejection of Truth IHHZ* {is} the Rejection of Reality .

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