Monday, July 17, 2023

Miss Bea Ghottin

                   The `Other Side` of the 'Coin' is the Expression of Beauty .     THIS Transmission flows as easily as a cool stream of water-------{seemingly}  effortlessly,,, but I would argue that this Flow iz* less than Realistic .   The Expression of Beauty is NOT what characterizes Lao Tzu's "Untangle the knots, soften the glare".    Beauty Exists as surely as Hideous Ugliness and yet I hesitate---------------- I am reluctant to generate my Expressions of Vision because it doesn't FEEL ryte*--it's scary to me ~~ for how can Beauty Exist side-by-side to abject Cruelty, Murder and  Invasionary* Slaughter ?   Here's the tautology of THAT :  It does because It DOES.   You take a bite out of that and it's gonna-be ridiculously difficult to swallow .  Of course, the Universe IZ what it Iz  {Ain't no escape, never has been.}.  Intellectually understanding the Tautology of Universal Existence is of little aid in ACCEPTING Reality "AS IT IS".  Here now Zen Master Joan Didion's exerted Absolute, {You gotta} "Play It As It Lays".  "Truer words" cannot be spoken and yet {here we go} "Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood."



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