Monday, July 10, 2023

...lice infested hair vest .....

                     I scare myself sometimes .   I think stuff then repeat that stuff to any one of my Selfs who is listening .   Why don't I know "About Faith" ???    The "Great Faith" I have toward Buddha's Teaching is NOT the Faith I NEED for day to day aspirations .   Politicians glut, "I have Great Faith in the American People" .  I have no such faith---quite the OPPOSITE actually .  Thing is, I fear there is perversion within the Thinking of Faith --- THAT makes me a "perv".  Nothing pretty there .  Martin Luther tortured himself with "The SIN of Thought".   Nothing pretty THERE either ....... .

          What is the SOURCE of Faith ?   It's gotta come from a Somewhere of Mind, Heart and Soul---but suppose it's Heart ?  All Heart and nothing BUT the Heart --- Here now the debilitating condition of Emotion -----  Faith as EMOTION ????????  That CAN'T-BE  Right .

            Dysconfidence* spreads to self-questioning,,, itself something of a lice-infested hair vest .  

            Somewhere in Out There is a definition of Faith that goes this way >>  Faith is UN-PROVABLE Belief .   Good-by Frying Pan ,,,,,  Hello Fire -------- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .


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