Tuesday, July 25, 2023


                        Democracy has undergone TWO Trials and FAILED each time to Convict.   Let's supplant Democracy with REALITY  and observe THAT Consequence .   The Truth of Proof, in the form of UNDENIABLE Evidence, was NOT 'Strong Enough' to Convict trump and REMOVE him from accredited Political Normality  .   It wasn't even [fucking] CLOSE  !!      Instead, what transpired was the PROOF oF Mythological Truth, the Truth of the BIG LIE .   Understand that the Impeachments were VALID Efforts to apply Democratic Judicial Standards that JUSTICE be "Served".   HALF the {once} American Nation BELIEVES that "Justice" was INDEED "Served"--that trump was INNOCENT .   THIS is the POWER OF MYTH, in the EXACT { X-ACT } "Same Way" as the Biblical and Koranic "Myths".  

            Here it is where Myth becomes INDISTINGUISHABLE from RELIGION .   


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