Monday, July 10, 2023

Idiot Day


                    I know I know, I hear ya---"Sabom, EVERY day is Idiot Day for you."  I guess.......  I awoke at 1 a.m.  this morning, yesterday's headache alive and well .  I know these headaches... .  

            I NEEDED to ryte*~~ knew I couldn't until I'd re-ordered the Music and Poetry Studio .   I bought an indoor AC, free standing, so I could cool the Cave, and dry the air, and recover the water, a primary requirement ~~~~~~~~~~~the lower-level humidity was "off the scale".   It's taken a couple of months to justify the expense-----------but I'm Old now, I need clean, cool and dry air just onnacounta*........ .  

            Idiot Day is when you do all the pipsqueak, tiny shit that accumulates until EPOCH CATACLYSM is at hand .  

             "Shit Accumulates" should be {and probably IZ} a Cosmic Absoute .


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