Friday, May 31, 2024

Miss Justice

                              "Hello,,,, I came to say,,, 'I must be going' " .

              I was rwong* .   I thought trump would NEVER be found GUILTY ~~~~~~~~~Time for "Humble Pie" .   

              We MUST Celebrate this Victory just to give us some RELIEF from the Torment and Torture of seeing trump as a "Free Bird" .   Miss Justice has removed her blindfold and now we must ask Her to wield Her Excalibur with unflinching Precision .   She must slice off his wings and hobble his legs and then rest Her Sword at the side of his neck threatening his larynx .   No more mister Vice Guy .


Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Oxi Moron

                              I've long considered myself not just a moron but an OXI Moron  I even wrote a couple of gags :   Q.    Why the moron own so manly clocks ?    A.  He didn't want to run out of time .    Q.  Why did the moron own 2 compasses ?    A.   Because one was not enough .    Q.  Why'd the moron cross the street ?   A.  He was called by a neighbor .   

                The moron spoke French Toast .    The moron could speak several dialects of  Gibberish as well as the Sign Language for each .   The moron could never speak ANY Native American Tongue because he didn't know "How" .   The moron would rather be a moron than a moroff .   

                 You can see where this is going --  that's good bc I can't .



                              I  can  rest for  a  bit--the gardens have been planted, the turf mowed, trimming resolved ... .    Even better ??  It's raining .   I'm locked in and locked down ,  mercy, mercy, mercy .

              Rain days mean I get to futz and fiddle, piddle and diddle --- in the Tools' Room and the Audio-Visual Lab ~~~~~~~~~   I mean it this way = LOUD Music and  NO STRESS .

              Check that, I do not mean no MENTAL Stress, I mean no PHYSICAL Stress .   As I move about and perform simple tasks I can sit in any number of chair-nests and listen to the Music that purifies my Heart AND my Soul  huh   Music as Soul Food ---   too good .




Friday, May 24, 2024

Spy in the House of Shove

                             Trump's declaration :  "I can get away with murder"   translates into : "I can get away with ANYTHING "  a something that alito and his now brandish with ARROGANT Imperviocity* .   The scotus can't be "touched",  IMPERVIOUS to ANY Laws, which is dubious at best because THERE ARE NO MECHANISMS of PUNITIVE MEASURES that can be applied to them .   

               We speak of "The Law(s) of Gravity" but here Gravity IS the Law, so when there is NO Law there is NO >>>> Gravity i.e., the Force that keeps us Bound to the Earth and now Bound to the Constitution  .    We speak of "The GRAVITY of the Situation", the WEIGHT of Solemnity, the Observance of  Self and Other CONCERN .   When the Laws of the Constitution are "suspended" it is as if the Planet and Individual Politics CAN NOT "act" as Anchors of Truth and with it, Justice . 

                When there is no Gravity, no Law,,,, EVERYTHING is "Up in the Air" .   

Mental Terrorism

                              During the initial stages of the Roman Republic there existed a Council of Censors that monitored the political 'comings and goings' of the Roman Senate that the Republic be free and remain free of Anti-Republic >>Dysentery<< .   The Senators were subject to the harshest Discipline of CORRECT Behavior .   Soon, the Senators were outraged that their `activities`  were under such Platonic Scrutiny and they reacted by KILLING the Censors, one by one, in brutal,, merciless,,, Savagery .

               "Above the Law" doesn't even approach the present  >Condition<  of the SCOTUS since what Alito has manifested is nothing short of >>> TREASON <<<   .   

               Suspending that Flag of  Pine Tree `Supplication` is SYMBOL of  INSURRECTION and as such DEFINES alito as Treasonous Neo-Confederate .   

              >>>>Supreme<<<< ?  

Monday, May 20, 2024


                             I chalked the word 'life' onto the Thought Wall in the expectation that I cood* see* its Essence .   I cood HEAR that something was rwong* .  Then it arrived , there is a lie in Life .  I repeated it a thousand and ten times, it remained , Life and Lief weren't different <> the Sound was the same .  Living Life was therefore Living Lief -- i.e., Living the Lie .  Life as Lie ... .  Recall this American Standard "Life is but a DREAM"  ---  Life is NOT Real =  Life is a Lie .   Thing is, what the fuck do you DO with that ?

             I HAD-TO change its spelling to transact interpretation .   I changed the i to y but that wasn't enough, so I added the ph from phony --->  Lyph .  Better but still unsettling .

             Some folks insist : "You gotta LIVE YOUR DREAM".  2 words ::  OUCH !  {How the fuck does THAT help ?} 

              One word :   It doesn't .

Contradictive Temporary-ness

                              For the sake of Argument I will establish the Poles of Democracy =  Republicanism and Democratism .  Within these opposites is the Dynamic of Contradiction, the Energy that's harnessed to "Run" the Government .  This Dynamic has been SUPREMELY Valued as --->  Compromise .   Both Parties have utilized Compromise to establish and maintain Political {Governmental} Order and to ADVANCE the Nation as a Singular Whole .   [I use Advance to indicate Evolutionary Movement toward "A More Perfect Union".]  

            I hazard using "Political SCIENCE" but Political Science IS the Term applied to those involved in Governmental Policy .   Perhaps at one time Political Science was THE Indicator that Common Sense, Rational Thinking, LOGIC, and Higher Order Reasoning,,,,  were the Basics of Governmental Benefaction but CLEARLY this THIS is no longer esteemed at ANY >>> Level -------------- .  


The Priests of Perdition

                             There exists a "Blur" that renders qualification and objectivity useless .   I use "Blur" instead of fog so that a Sense of Motion is expressed, Motion that itself, indicates Velocity .   Things  move  so  fast  they become  invisible, but the EFFECTS of Velocity can be Sensed and Felt .   We FEEL this 'invisibility' as a Sense of Dizziness, a sickening, an upsetting-- so that the Blur not only obscures Recognition but defies "Hands On" .   We say, "I can't get my head around it."  as if the Blur actually denies Understanding, Comprehension and Apprehension {It does} .

               I speak of the Blur because I can't get my head around the Collective's reluctance to SEE "Things" as they REALLY   ARE .   Here it is where the Blur is RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES in BOLDEST Method >>>>   "In God We Trust ".

               2 words ::  The Division between 'Church' and State .

               I can find no word to use except >>>  Contradiction .   What I find offensive to MY Sensibility is that the Blur IS the Dynamic of Contradiction .   You can see it rite ?

               There is no need to ask, "How the fuck did THAT get there ?"  

God is Truth, but is Truth God ?

                              I have argued {with joyful vehemence} that Democracy is a MYTH , in the EXACT SAME WAY as The Bible and its Contents .   Remember that Democracy was someone's IDEA, and as such existed in the Realm of Imagination, Fantasy, Magic and Sorcery wherein lies its ability to mask [or cloak] Reality .   

             In AA, there exists a gut wrenching Dogma and it is this :   No one's gonna even THINK about Changing until they hit 'Rock Bottom' .   It is when Death appears as VIABLE option that the drunk then considers the possibility of Life without booze .   Here's what I'm asking :  Has America actually reached "Rock Bottom" ?  

             Then there's the Ideational Configuration  that not only is Democracy  a Myth  it is a Religion as well, and along with THAT, Democracy's Financier, Capitalism, has also 'become' a Myth AND a RELIGION {in the Pagan Sense} .   Folks WORSHIP   "The All-Mighty Dollar"which makes Thievery, Greed, Lust and Anger >>> VIRTUES .  

             I mean, there's THAT . 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

The Nu-Ancient

                              Sometimes 'description' falls to 'explanation' which in turn "falls to" Excuse.   I fucking HATE that .   Excuse  'carries' 'forgiveness' and I fucking Hate THAT as well .   I'm no good when I'm no good.   That ain't good .

               Can folks be "excused" for voting for trump and trumpism ??????

               Two words ::  WOW .

                I will refer to the Old Schoolers as the Olde Guard, since they want to "GUARD" the Principles of Ancient Republicanism .   These Nu-Ancients did NOT offer the "HOW" of Re-Orientation .   How {fucking} EXACTLY  are  the  fence-dwellers  to  be  "converted"  {Born Again}   to    Nu-Ancient Reformation ?

                "Aye, there's the rub!"

Spurious and Spurious-er

                              Is that an ugly spider or a knot of unruly black thread ?

               Exactly what are we looking at here ?   Is it the decay and degeneration of POLITICAL >>Experience<<   or the decay and degeneration of HUMAN >>>Ness<<< where Ness equals the so-called "Human Condition" ???????    Is Humanity currently DEFYING the "Laws of Evolution" --- the Law that ---> Changes occur for the BETTERMENT of the Organism   ???   That would mean Humans are DE-Evolving and THAT [would] indicate(s) a CATACLYSMAL 'Alteration' of Universal Order .   Nope---I ain't buyin' it .

"Wet Brain"

                              In AA, you have a "Dry Drunk" BECAUSE you have a "Wet Brain" .   Actions and Speech of a DRUNK continue despite being "Sober" .   Make no mistake here, "Wet Brain" is denegrative* at EVERY level and it is generally applied with mean-ness and even cruelty .   Here's the Deal with "Wet Brain"  --- once a Drunk ALWAYS a Drunk because "YOU CANNOT MAKE A CUCUMBER FROM A PICKLE" !!   Aint' no "goin' back".   THAT'S how I view the "Populist" Republicans .   Does that THAT apply to 'those on the fence' ?   Good question .

"Lofty" Idealism

                              Yesterday, we learned that there are a few "Old Schoolers" who want to Restore what was once THE "Republican Agenda" in an Effort to gain Ascendancy .   They view 20% of Old School Republicans who voted for Haley as Evidence of disgruntled Dis-Satisfaction .   They offer a "Return to Forever" i.e., the Re-Establishment of the "Establishment" --- the Status Quo "System" .   I'm no fan of the Establishment even though I Defend its Socialist Tendencies with ALL my Heart and Soul .  

              Here now "Lofty Idealism" versus the Street and Gutter BARBARISM of modern "Choke and Dagger" Ruthlessness--- the one where CRUELTY     IS       the   >>>Point<<< .   

              Horror upon Horror,,, the Gateway of the manifold Hells .

Rest in Peace

                         I tasked myself with offering a Zen Perspective to all Realities so that my Readers may find some "Sense" in a world of chaos, disorder, and CATACLYSMAL tumult .   Finding "Sense" is `suppose-to` supply a form of Meaning that puts the Mind "at Rest" .   Only "At Rest" can a Mind Heal and recharge itself .   Here it is where "Rest" is AS ESSENTIAL as ACTION .

              Ask anyone who "Lifts weights" and/or Body-builds and they will concur :   Rest is ESSENTIAL between sets and full work-outs .   So it is where > Mind < is equal to that Essential .




                              It's been some time, I know .    I've been running away from my duties, mostly because of my inability to solve several "equations" .    Establishing equalities* from Thoughts and Ideation to various conditional Realities poses significant Speculations that put a strain on even "air-tight" cases .   Speculation is "only a shot away" from Imaginative "hooey" -- even IF it SOUNDS logically FANTASTIC .   

              I "Carry" questions in my day-to-day activities, allowing them to surface as they may, in an Effort to produce and maintain "Don't Know Mind" where I DO 'Know" the Answers and Solutions await in proximal urgency .   There's a GREAT scene in Apollo 14 where the Mission Commander dumps-out a box of filter parts onto a table and demands, "Build me a CO-2 Scrubber" .   That's where I am, with all the parts and NO fucking Clue .

Thursday, May 9, 2024

The LAW in Flaw

                              I am "of the Belief" that trump will NOT be convicted in New York due to ONE juror .   It is BLIND Faith to believe that, despite OVERWHELMING Evidence of his GUILT, he will be FORCED to submit to ANY  >Justice< whatsoever .   

                     The LAW in Flaw --- can you see it ?

The Joke's On Us

                             Cannon's refusal to date the GREATEST TRIAL IN AMERICAN HISTORY is Evidence of one of Democracy's "Genetic Predispositions" .   Democracy not only >allows< but PROTECTS her GROTESQUELY Partisan Politics .   Some would now argue that "You can't even Trust the Judiciary".   I strongly disagree, You CAN Trust the Judiciary to be a fucking JOKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                             If All men are subject to Law and trump is NOT subject to that same Law then trump IS NOT A MAN .   Can you see it ?

The Hypocrite Oath

                              Sometime ago I wrote that Democracy contained ---> Genetic Predispositions<--- which caused It to "Suffer onto itself ", meaning, Democracy, at its Inception, not only was Flawed Ideologically but Philosophically and Governmentally* as well .   When a man states that "ALL men are created EQUAL" but IGNORES the Manhood and Manship* of SLAVES, then his words are the ULTIMATE in Hypocrisy and it is this Hypocrisy that is the Root and Source of Political and Governmental Corruption .  

             So it is that the "Declaration of Independence" is nothing more than a solemn Oath to Hypocrisy.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Warm and WET

                              It's a million degrees outside, the Air thick and heavy ~~~ I was shocked .   I mean it this way :   it wasn't just damp, it was Wet---Warm and WET .  Oh my ... .

            Each morning I get outdoors to look around and figure-out what I'm-gonna do, depending on how my body feels .   It shouldn't be that way, I remember clearly when 'it' wasn't---those days are gone ..... .

            You can see it, rite ?   Some days aren't mornings but mournings*, the itinerate Sadness that even a GOOD night's sleep can't neutralize .   Other days, morning's are Revelations of Sheer and Utter Beauty, the perfumed Sweetness of Mother Earth's Natural Fragrance ~~~~~~ .


Monday, May 6, 2024

Bruce Almighty

                              Folks complain, "I HATE' my job."  How can that be ?  When asked why they just don't try and get another job that is far more suitable ,  they say , "Well, I can't" .   When pushed, "Why not ?"   They are reluctant to answer THAT with HONESTY .   Have we ever heard, "I'm just too fucking LAZY !"  ~~~  I believe we have not .

              I supplied my Definition of Work --->   'Doing something you DON'T what to do, at a place you DON'T want to be .'   A double-fuck* if ever there was  .

              Look at 'its' Opposite, supplied by the Venerable Kahlil Gibran :  "Work is LOVE made visible."  Work as 'self-expression' [Expression of Self] and further,,, the CREATIVE Expression of Self .   Work as Art gets us even closer ... .

              Bruce Joslin joy-ed it this way , "I can't believe they're PAYING me to do this shit ."   Getting PAID for doing the shit you LOVE,   How GREAT is that ???????




                              I have wondered about the nature of Hatred, whether or not we are born with it, meaning, is Hatred an Instinct ?    I'm hard-pressed to answer that in the affirmative .   Elsewhere I have proffered the argument that Hatred is FEAR although I have yet to qualify that statement with the Science of Hatred, or the Physics of Hatred.   The essence of my argument resides in the Essence of Fear, as in the Fear of DYING, that all Fears [and Hatreds] are manifestations of the  Fear of Dying  and that this Fear "begets" Hatred, the HATRED of Knowing We MUST Die .  I have yet to devise the scheme that would 'do' a one-to-one correspondence between Fear and Hatred so my argument is less than satisfactory .   

               Fear as INSTINCT , Hatred as Emotional Response to TRUTH .   The eminent Kung Fu Master has tried to sooth, "Fear is the Body's Wisdom, that it is weak" .   What, then, can be said of Hatred ?

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Niche

                              Virgina Woolf penned A Room Of One's Own ---that's as close to 'niche' as we need to be .   The Value in 'niche' is the 'n' which can stand-for 'nest' ,  making it, A Nest of One's Own .   

              The Status Quo has offered "The American Dream" which I have discounted as, the American NIGHTMARE .   Great job, Great Wife, Great Kids, a dog and 2 cats ---monu-MENTAL delusion that has reeked HAVOC upon   ANY   Form  of  American Spirituality .   

               Superficial Aspects of "A Room of One's Own include not only one's domicile but the "Man Cave" -- indeed, I refer to MY >>>Room as a Cave , but I add to the Cave a SPIRITUALITY that the Ancients found within its Dark Confines .   I Love that .  {Cave as Womb} .


The Seething Malcontent

                              In many ways I am nothing more than a seething malcontent .   I am Angry all the time .    I am agonizingly aware of my flaws, shortcomings, mental deformities and profound Ignorance .   A War Wages within me every minute of every day, the War against my own Ignorance that manifests as self loathing .    Oddly, I have had access to Satisfaction and even Contentment ------why I don't Seek to reside in these Paradises is largely due to Spiritual malfeasance, my unwillingness to Value anything less than Utopic Perfection .   Dave Mason lyrics, "Understanding is the key" but Zen Master Seung Sahn once scolded me, "Too much Understanding CANNOT help you ."   I mean, there's that .

"Kung Fu"

                              Society 'tells' us that we must "Find" our selves .  It is generally believed that when we DO "Find ourselves" then we will {somehow} be rewarded with Health, and Prosperity .   Indeed, in the now Ancient TV Series "Kung Fu" the Master affirms, "When a man finds his Way, Heaven is gentle ."

              Clearly, as we are all WELL AWARE, >Finding< ourselves is "Easier SAID, than Done" .


Winwood : "Look inside your Heart, I'll look inside mine"

                              Of all things, believing in yourself is the most difficult .   So much depends upon your upbringing, education, and physical advantages .   However, since I Believe that Zen is a Way in which Suffering can lead to Enlightenment, then it is imperative to "See into one's self" that one's Buddhahood will be Revealed .

                 It may be that the ULTIMATE Zen Question was conferred upon us by Society's, "What do you want to be when you grow up ?"  Is this not the beginning of "Seeing into one's self {and the attainment of Buddhahood}" ?  I Believe it to be .


Friday, May 3, 2024

The ART in SmART

                              I wish... .    I am both smot AND smaht, but it ain't doin' me no good .   A BIG Brain deposited this Redneck Attack Question :  "If you're so fuckin' smart, [then] why ain't you RICH ?"    

             Chuang Tzu would respond with, "The True Man {of Old} did not mind being Poor".  That THAT may have suited the Ancient, but does not suit the Modern .      Can you see it ?

             Somewhere I have tired to describe the Modern Citizen ,  now I offer this :  Great Belief, Great Effort,, Great Training,,, Great Tolerance >>>  the 4 Essentials of Modernity .   Great Belief in One's Self ---- Great Effort :  "To accept the things one cannot change and the Courage to change the things that one can" ----   Great Training >>> NEVER Neglecting the Body ----  Great Tolerance>>> the ULTIMATE Spirit of the Universe .

             Remember that during Wartime it is SURVIVAL that is the Goal .   Only if you SURVIVE can you then effect Repairs and Reformation .   




The Hall of Numb

                              There was More during yesterday's decompression .   

                I was s-t--r---e-----t------c---h-------e-----------d-out, letting the Music wash over me , cleaning, clearing, Healing,,, when I heard one of my selfs ask, "Who do you THINK you are ?"   My first response was to answer, I WANT to be a BEACON , like a Lighthouse that I may Warn Others of Danger .    2 words, Stupid .   I waited {in the Hall of Numb} and this arrived, "...more like a SEARCHLIGHT ... ."   2 WORDS ::  Yup .

             I wondered., "What Powers that Searchlight ?"  Almost instantly >>  Great Question << .   2 words ::  It made perfect Sense .

             Zen Master Seung Sahn cites "Three Essential Elements of Zen" ,,, they are :   "Great Faith", "Great Courage",, and "Great Question" .   Maybe I was 'onto' Something .

The Book of the Dread

                              In  Steppenwolf   Hesse writes a scene in which "Harry Haller" { H.H. Hermann Hesse}  is invited to a dinner by his neighbors .   It seems that these neighbors admire Haller for his Writing .  As the conversation turns to present day politics Haller is inwardly disgusted with himself for having accepted the invitation .  His neighbors reveal that their personal Politics are a direct Assault on Haller's own .  Haller can find no way to influence these {Redneck} neighbors and instead of engaging them straightaway, he excuses himself , applying the social contrivances of the day to escape .   

             I have GREAT FAITH in my own Thinking that the Present-Day Collective Conscious CAN Alter the Trajectory of Humankind  >>> IF <<<  all are United on a "Same Page" Mind-Set of Universal Reformation {Re-Form-ation} .    The Difficulty for ME is to present such a Mind Set in a VIABLE Contiguity that has, at one end, the Historical Past and at the Other, Reformation .   

             While I was decompressing from yesterday's Effort this arrived  :  

                             "It's tough going when ya-gotta CLASH with the Infinite every fucking day ."


The "B" "Cause"

                              I'm as guilty as all the rest .    I advance into the Future while looking into the Past for Guidance and Orientation .   I suppose it is much safer to use the Past as a Compass ---  but still --- that THAT Pre-Supposes an End Goal that exists as either a Utopia or some Variant of "The Land of Milk and Honey" .   {In the End}, I'm not "buyin' " that either .

              I suspended my activity in my own 'Group', "One Flower Zen", because the Ancient Zen Masters cood* offer no DIRECT expression of War's Chaos, Destruction, Turmoil and Horror and a Sense of Rationality that cood alleviate a maddening Depression inflicted as World Karma .   I LOATHE the 'notion' of "Every day is a GOOD day" !   How can that be ?   

              I have written else where that we  are surrounded by Death, that the Air we breathe is polluted by Death , that every breath we take contains the filth and molecular squalor of Disgrace, Defilement and Moral Destitution ---- such is the Realm of War and State of Human Atrocity .   We, as a Nation and We as Citizens of Earth, can't seem to "catch our breath", because of Because , the "B" Cause .   This from a children's story, "... and so the people Suffered, and they Suffered, GREATLY ."

Thursday, May 2, 2024

"Mean-while, back at the Raunch"

                              CLEARLY, there can be no Relief by simply attaching a 'name' to a 'Condition' of Untold and Un-tellable*  HORROR .  And yet,,,,,,  and yet ...... .

               Romanticism works and re-works its most vile and vulgar fashions as AA's "This too, shall pass." enters Our Collective Conscious with the wondrous facsimile of "All's well that ends well" [which is] the pure-est BULLSHIT of the pseudo-sacred Supercilious .   I mean, shit, WHAT ARE WE TO DO IN THE FUCKING MEANTIME ????????????????????????????????? 


" Bali Ha'i "

                              By USING "Kali" I have activated a Psychological 'Constellation' that affords a form of Relief  that   {somehow}   explains  the   MEANING   of  the   HUMAN    Atrocities   which  are  the MANIFESTATIONS of INSTINCTUAL ```Predispositions``` .    Here it is where FEAR is the 'Root Cause' of {SAVAGELY} Blind HATRED .  

               Kali is the Goddess of Death, Destruction and the Chaos that results .   What is IMPERATIVE TO UNDERSTAND is that Death, Destruction and Chaos PRECEDE "Renewal" ,, where Renewal is Re-Birth, Regeneration and Re-Formation .   

               Kali is said to be the Goddess of TIME.  Elsewhere I have juxtapose Time with Inevitability which then allows for :  Kali, the Goddess of Inevitability .


                              My Fury and Rage inevitably `give way` to the {my} Darkest Sorrow .   

               I KNOW I will Struggle to note the differences between 'Comparative Religions' and Comparative Mythologies for I dare to admit I am both and neither at the same time .   To re-title the above as "The Zen of" Kali is to induce within my tiny monkey brain paroxysms of I-Dentity* unbecoming even of a Scholar-wanna-be* ...  not to mention the {vile} Romanticism needed to accept said Indulgence as pliable Relief, it isn't ANY Relief save for Heart-feelings of "Yeah, that just mite* do" .

               Was it my Zen that finally located a NAME for the Death and Destruction in the Land of Milk and Honey ??  It 'arrived' this morning, in the guise of Head and Heart Ache, ---- the Universe filling my head with Logic oriented Vomit, the Discharge of "Hard-to-Swallow" Atrocities, one after another .   

Point Of Impact

                             I find myself between the Hammer and the Anvil--- not the S  P  A  C  E between them, but at the Point Of Impact ---  the exPLOSION when the two `come into` Contact .    Here, where I DESIRE Zen to appear as Spiritual Advisory,, I have found no such thing, except the very maddening* of NothingNess gone the way of Abysmal {abyss-mull} FAILURE .   I am forced to ask, Is it ME , or Zen, that is Responsible ?

"When you come to shoot SHOOT, don't talk."

                              Title line from a bath-tub scene in one of Eastward's "No Name" Westerns .

              The Violence on OUR Campuses is HEART  BR EAK IN G .    

               I sit transfixed by the HORROR of unabashed HATRED .   How can this BE, if Colleges and Universities are suppose to be hallowed SANCTUARIES of RATIONALITY, KNOWLEDGE and WISDOM ??????????   

               When monkeys are unhappy, they throw their own shit against the wall of their 'encampments' .