Monday, May 6, 2024


                              I have wondered about the nature of Hatred, whether or not we are born with it, meaning, is Hatred an Instinct ?    I'm hard-pressed to answer that in the affirmative .   Elsewhere I have proffered the argument that Hatred is FEAR although I have yet to qualify that statement with the Science of Hatred, or the Physics of Hatred.   The essence of my argument resides in the Essence of Fear, as in the Fear of DYING, that all Fears [and Hatreds] are manifestations of the  Fear of Dying  and that this Fear "begets" Hatred, the HATRED of Knowing We MUST Die .  I have yet to devise the scheme that would 'do' a one-to-one correspondence between Fear and Hatred so my argument is less than satisfactory .   

               Fear as INSTINCT , Hatred as Emotional Response to TRUTH .   The eminent Kung Fu Master has tried to sooth, "Fear is the Body's Wisdom, that it is weak" .   What, then, can be said of Hatred ?

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