Monday, May 20, 2024

God is Truth, but is Truth God ?

                              I have argued {with joyful vehemence} that Democracy is a MYTH , in the EXACT SAME WAY as The Bible and its Contents .   Remember that Democracy was someone's IDEA, and as such existed in the Realm of Imagination, Fantasy, Magic and Sorcery wherein lies its ability to mask [or cloak] Reality .   

             In AA, there exists a gut wrenching Dogma and it is this :   No one's gonna even THINK about Changing until they hit 'Rock Bottom' .   It is when Death appears as VIABLE option that the drunk then considers the possibility of Life without booze .   Here's what I'm asking :  Has America actually reached "Rock Bottom" ?  

             Then there's the Ideational Configuration  that not only is Democracy  a Myth  it is a Religion as well, and along with THAT, Democracy's Financier, Capitalism, has also 'become' a Myth AND a RELIGION {in the Pagan Sense} .   Folks WORSHIP   "The All-Mighty Dollar"which makes Thievery, Greed, Lust and Anger >>> VIRTUES .  

             I mean, there's THAT . 

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