Sunday, May 19, 2024


                              It's been some time, I know .    I've been running away from my duties, mostly because of my inability to solve several "equations" .    Establishing equalities* from Thoughts and Ideation to various conditional Realities poses significant Speculations that put a strain on even "air-tight" cases .   Speculation is "only a shot away" from Imaginative "hooey" -- even IF it SOUNDS logically FANTASTIC .   

              I "Carry" questions in my day-to-day activities, allowing them to surface as they may, in an Effort to produce and maintain "Don't Know Mind" where I DO 'Know" the Answers and Solutions await in proximal urgency .   There's a GREAT scene in Apollo 14 where the Mission Commander dumps-out a box of filter parts onto a table and demands, "Build me a CO-2 Scrubber" .   That's where I am, with all the parts and NO fucking Clue .

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