Monday, May 20, 2024

Contradictive Temporary-ness

                              For the sake of Argument I will establish the Poles of Democracy =  Republicanism and Democratism .  Within these opposites is the Dynamic of Contradiction, the Energy that's harnessed to "Run" the Government .  This Dynamic has been SUPREMELY Valued as --->  Compromise .   Both Parties have utilized Compromise to establish and maintain Political {Governmental} Order and to ADVANCE the Nation as a Singular Whole .   [I use Advance to indicate Evolutionary Movement toward "A More Perfect Union".]  

            I hazard using "Political SCIENCE" but Political Science IS the Term applied to those involved in Governmental Policy .   Perhaps at one time Political Science was THE Indicator that Common Sense, Rational Thinking, LOGIC, and Higher Order Reasoning,,,,  were the Basics of Governmental Benefaction but CLEARLY this THIS is no longer esteemed at ANY >>> Level -------------- .  


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