Thursday, May 2, 2024

" Bali Ha'i "

                              By USING "Kali" I have activated a Psychological 'Constellation' that affords a form of Relief  that   {somehow}   explains  the   MEANING   of  the   HUMAN    Atrocities   which  are  the MANIFESTATIONS of INSTINCTUAL ```Predispositions``` .    Here it is where FEAR is the 'Root Cause' of {SAVAGELY} Blind HATRED .  

               Kali is the Goddess of Death, Destruction and the Chaos that results .   What is IMPERATIVE TO UNDERSTAND is that Death, Destruction and Chaos PRECEDE "Renewal" ,, where Renewal is Re-Birth, Regeneration and Re-Formation .   

               Kali is said to be the Goddess of TIME.  Elsewhere I have juxtapose Time with Inevitability which then allows for :  Kali, the Goddess of Inevitability .

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