Monday, May 20, 2024

The Priests of Perdition

                             There exists a "Blur" that renders qualification and objectivity useless .   I use "Blur" instead of fog so that a Sense of Motion is expressed, Motion that itself, indicates Velocity .   Things  move  so  fast  they become  invisible, but the EFFECTS of Velocity can be Sensed and Felt .   We FEEL this 'invisibility' as a Sense of Dizziness, a sickening, an upsetting-- so that the Blur not only obscures Recognition but defies "Hands On" .   We say, "I can't get my head around it."  as if the Blur actually denies Understanding, Comprehension and Apprehension {It does} .

               I speak of the Blur because I can't get my head around the Collective's reluctance to SEE "Things" as they REALLY   ARE .   Here it is where the Blur is RIGHT BEFORE OUR EYES in BOLDEST Method >>>>   "In God We Trust ".

               2 words ::  The Division between 'Church' and State .

               I can find no word to use except >>>  Contradiction .   What I find offensive to MY Sensibility is that the Blur IS the Dynamic of Contradiction .   You can see it rite ?

               There is no need to ask, "How the fuck did THAT get there ?"  

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