Thursday, May 30, 2024

The Oxi Moron

                              I've long considered myself not just a moron but an OXI Moron  I even wrote a couple of gags :   Q.    Why the moron own so manly clocks ?    A.  He didn't want to run out of time .    Q.  Why did the moron own 2 compasses ?    A.   Because one was not enough .    Q.  Why'd the moron cross the street ?   A.  He was called by a neighbor .   

                The moron spoke French Toast .    The moron could speak several dialects of  Gibberish as well as the Sign Language for each .   The moron could never speak ANY Native American Tongue because he didn't know "How" .   The moron would rather be a moron than a moroff .   

                 You can see where this is going --  that's good bc I can't .


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