Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Seething Malcontent

                              In many ways I am nothing more than a seething malcontent .   I am Angry all the time .    I am agonizingly aware of my flaws, shortcomings, mental deformities and profound Ignorance .   A War Wages within me every minute of every day, the War against my own Ignorance that manifests as self loathing .    Oddly, I have had access to Satisfaction and even Contentment ------why I don't Seek to reside in these Paradises is largely due to Spiritual malfeasance, my unwillingness to Value anything less than Utopic Perfection .   Dave Mason lyrics, "Understanding is the key" but Zen Master Seung Sahn once scolded me, "Too much Understanding CANNOT help you ."   I mean, there's that .

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