Monday, May 6, 2024

Bruce Almighty

                              Folks complain, "I HATE' my job."  How can that be ?  When asked why they just don't try and get another job that is far more suitable ,  they say , "Well, I can't" .   When pushed, "Why not ?"   They are reluctant to answer THAT with HONESTY .   Have we ever heard, "I'm just too fucking LAZY !"  ~~~  I believe we have not .

              I supplied my Definition of Work --->   'Doing something you DON'T what to do, at a place you DON'T want to be .'   A double-fuck* if ever there was  .

              Look at 'its' Opposite, supplied by the Venerable Kahlil Gibran :  "Work is LOVE made visible."  Work as 'self-expression' [Expression of Self] and further,,, the CREATIVE Expression of Self .   Work as Art gets us even closer ... .

              Bruce Joslin joy-ed it this way , "I can't believe they're PAYING me to do this shit ."   Getting PAID for doing the shit you LOVE,   How GREAT is that ???????



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