Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Niche

                              Virgina Woolf penned A Room Of One's Own ---that's as close to 'niche' as we need to be .   The Value in 'niche' is the 'n' which can stand-for 'nest' ,  making it, A Nest of One's Own .   

              The Status Quo has offered "The American Dream" which I have discounted as, the American NIGHTMARE .   Great job, Great Wife, Great Kids, a dog and 2 cats ---monu-MENTAL delusion that has reeked HAVOC upon   ANY   Form  of  American Spirituality .   

               Superficial Aspects of "A Room of One's Own include not only one's domicile but the "Man Cave" -- indeed, I refer to MY >>>Room as a Cave , but I add to the Cave a SPIRITUALITY that the Ancients found within its Dark Confines .   I Love that .  {Cave as Womb} .


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