Friday, May 3, 2024

The "B" "Cause"

                              I'm as guilty as all the rest .    I advance into the Future while looking into the Past for Guidance and Orientation .   I suppose it is much safer to use the Past as a Compass ---  but still --- that THAT Pre-Supposes an End Goal that exists as either a Utopia or some Variant of "The Land of Milk and Honey" .   {In the End}, I'm not "buyin' " that either .

              I suspended my activity in my own 'Group', "One Flower Zen", because the Ancient Zen Masters cood* offer no DIRECT expression of War's Chaos, Destruction, Turmoil and Horror and a Sense of Rationality that cood alleviate a maddening Depression inflicted as World Karma .   I LOATHE the 'notion' of "Every day is a GOOD day" !   How can that be ?   

              I have written else where that we  are surrounded by Death, that the Air we breathe is polluted by Death , that every breath we take contains the filth and molecular squalor of Disgrace, Defilement and Moral Destitution ---- such is the Realm of War and State of Human Atrocity .   We, as a Nation and We as Citizens of Earth, can't seem to "catch our breath", because of Because , the "B" Cause .   This from a children's story, "... and so the people Suffered, and they Suffered, GREATLY ."

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