Friday, May 3, 2024

The Book of the Dread

                              In  Steppenwolf   Hesse writes a scene in which "Harry Haller" { H.H. Hermann Hesse}  is invited to a dinner by his neighbors .   It seems that these neighbors admire Haller for his Writing .  As the conversation turns to present day politics Haller is inwardly disgusted with himself for having accepted the invitation .  His neighbors reveal that their personal Politics are a direct Assault on Haller's own .  Haller can find no way to influence these {Redneck} neighbors and instead of engaging them straightaway, he excuses himself , applying the social contrivances of the day to escape .   

             I have GREAT FAITH in my own Thinking that the Present-Day Collective Conscious CAN Alter the Trajectory of Humankind  >>> IF <<<  all are United on a "Same Page" Mind-Set of Universal Reformation {Re-Form-ation} .    The Difficulty for ME is to present such a Mind Set in a VIABLE Contiguity that has, at one end, the Historical Past and at the Other, Reformation .   

             While I was decompressing from yesterday's Effort this arrived  :  

                             "It's tough going when ya-gotta CLASH with the Infinite every fucking day ."


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